
SA Path Utility - SAPU - v1.1

v1.1 - What's New:
  • Almost all function now handles the ROADBLOX.DAT file, merging, converting, etc...
  • A bunch of problems have been fixed.
For the first time i'm doing a standalone app :D
SAPU is a very powerful tool for any map creator, it has a bunch of node files based functions, well not much tbh but they are indeed very cool functions: Move, Merge, Convert, Inspect and Generate.
 - App by: ZZPuma -
To be honest, all the functions here are kinda advanced and require you to have prior knowledge in map modding and  also a bit of knowledge in node files as well.
This is the functions that atm the tool has:

- Merge -

An absurdly cool function, it combines two node files into a single one, so you can make a custom map with custom paths and them merge it with node files of your base game, or any other node file.
You can also connect them to the base node file, like connecting a road to another so vehicles can actually go from the base road to your newly added road path.
I have made a video tutorial specially for this function, take a look:

You guys have no idea how much i wanted a tool like that since i started map modding years ago, the reason i stopped doing deathmatch and even cities maps is because of how empty they feel and the impossibility to make custom paths work together with pre-existing paths, it is now possible!
- Convert -

A simple function that converts your node files to any path set size and of course to the FLA4 format.
As you guys probably know, the vanilla node files has a LOT of limitations, fastman92 then with his godlike coding skills broke all those stupid limits creating a new format of node files, he has made some others formats before but the latest one, the FLA4, is easily the best one.
 - Move -

It moves your node files by entire areas (750 units), it is a function to be used in some very specific situations, for example to organize a map pack.

- Generate -

It generates a set of blank node files, node files that have no nodes, navis, links etc...
Very useful if you are building a total conversion mod or just a blank canvas to mess around.

- Inspect -

This one is more a debugging function than anything else, you can see every single info a node file there,
you can also see there all the nodes/navis info like: links, flags, coordinates, type etc...

- ROADBLOX.DAT Generator -

Maybe you have a path set that haven't a ROADBLOX.DAT and you want one for them, this thing will automatically check for all roadblock nodes and create a roadblox.dat for you.
Well, i'm dumb for not putting such a important function like that since release, but there it is xD

And that's it, atm these are functions that it currently has, i do plan add more stuff like a 2D preview to where the nodes are located, in depth node file editing and some other small stuff, but i think at the current state is already a very useful tool

Just like i said in my 3ds max path tool, i want to say a HUGE thanks to Deniska and LightVelox as their scripts were essential in my learning process for those damn node files, so, thanks a lot guys :D
-- TIPS--
Just in case you guys don't know, you can install node files through modloader, this is how to do it:
Inside some folder in the modloader location create a folder called "gta3.img", there you dump all your node files, this way modloader will use these node files instead of the base game ones.
Also, do NOT leave ROADBLOX.DAT inside that same folder, it will crash your game, put it in another folder structure like that: YourMod --> data --> paths --> ROADBLOX.DAT
Also again, if you are going to use FLA4 paths DON'T forget to edit your "fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini" to accept those new node files:
If using FLA4 format edit that:

If using a different Path Set:
They always have the same size as the one you selected in the dropdown list, edit these
 Just extract SAPathUtility folder somewhere and open the .exe file.
ZZPuma - Author
Ocornut - ImGui

Special Thanks:

My Other Path Tools:

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