
PumaStudio 0.3d

That's it boys, PumaStudio 0.3!
DirectX 3.0 & SAMP Patches and lots of cool stuff has been added!!
- ASI Plugin by: ZZPuma -
Awesome video presentation, definitely a must watch!!

What's new:
  • 13/07/2024 - HotFix - Fixed broken camera recording.
  • 17/06/2024 - HotFix - Fixed malfunction on vehicle playbacks. Thanks to Daniel Abasov for pointing it out so fast.

  • ENB/Directx3.0 Compatibility
    I've only tested with Directx3.0 and it perfectly worked for me. I'm not sure, but it will basically work on any Enb that uses the enbseries.asi (which is the case of the dx3.0), but the old ones that uses their own d3d9.dll i think it won't work, like dx2.0 for example, I didn't test tbh, maybe it works give it a try :)

    Enb2 Enb1

  • SAMP partial compatibility
    Most of the tools doesn't work tbh, but, almost the entirety of the FreeCam functions does work. Recording tool also partially works, as long you don't playback mid samp game you can record pretty much everything. I highly recommend you to save the rec and load it in a vannila game to avoid crashes.
    As i said, it's just a partial compatibility, i have made a lot of tests and there were a lot of times that the client just randomly crashed in my face, so use it with caution.

  • Save & Load Recordings
    You can finally save your recording and load it back whenever you want. There's only one problem, ped slots are absurdly heavy, they take a lot of data to be written on an external file, in other words, loooong time to save a recording with peds :(

  • Peds can be recorded even outside of the screen now
    Yes, one of the big limitations of the recording tool is now solved :D They wont be frozen in the playback like how it was before, actually, you can record them at piratically any distance as long they still exist(present on the ped pool).

  • GamePad support for FreeCam
    Suggested by Nicesify, you can now move the camera with a controller, Warning: you MUST use GInput to make it work.

  • FreeCam Profiles. Save and load custom movement settings to different files.
  • Entity List. No more Ped List, it nows lists both peds and vehicles with a whole new menu ui.
  • Most of the options are now autosaved when you close the game.
  • A lot of menu redesigns
  • A bunch of bugs fixes.
  • And much more...

  • 05/15/2024 - v0.2
    • Rewrite of camera movement, it now completely manipulates the game camera matrix, which means a LOT more freedom to orientation manipulation!
    • ChromaKey Function!
    •  New FOV manipulation method, now the FOV tool should work with everyone.
    •  Orbit Attachment mode.
    • Rotation Attachment now perfect follows all the angles of what is attached.
    • Bone manipulation now works with CJ too!
    • Aim weapon while on any FreeCam mode.
    • Lock/Unlock Mouse in menu
    • A bunch of bugs fixes.
    • And more...

    03/17/2024 - v0.1 First Release Post
    Ok, as you guys know, this is my first .asi mod, i just started learning C++ a couple of months ago, there is lots of stuff that i have no idea how to do it yet, specially related on making my mod compatible with others scripts :/
    I'll be honest, that mod is making me go crazy, sometimes i can't do some simple stupid function and my day and next days are totally ruined lol, the camera angle attachment for example is something i still have no idea how to fix and that pisses me so fking off.

    And something that made me very disappointed with the mod in general is the incompatibility with SAMP and ENBs, yeah, when i first figured that out i almost stopped working on the mod.
    But, it looks like it works with DirectX 3.0, give it a try :) No, it really doesn't work :( 

    I'm pretty sure it is also incompatible with some other mods, but it looks like these are the major ones to keep in mind when using it.

    Lots of tools!

    Some functions are very early in development, such as the bone tool for example, and some aren't even started yet, like the chroma key, i'll be gradually updating these tools as time passes, also, i will obviously add more neat filming functions in the future.

    No, there is no tutorial and no video presentation, if i did any of that i wouldn't release the mod until it was finished. PumaStudio definitely isn't so easy to use but as you explore the functions you will get the use of it.

    The ped recording function also records gun shots, it's very limited tbh. I highly recommend you using the IMFX mod by DK22Pac and some other effect mod adapted to it to actually see the gunshots in the playback, Overdose Effects are compatible for example.

    --------------- EARLY ACCESS TO NEW VERSIONS ---------------

     v0.3 is already old, has many issues and limitations, you can now have early access to the newest version, it is not finished for sure but has a lot of cool functions on it, have a look:

    ↓ PumaStudio v0.4 Early Access ↓

    -- v0.3 INSTRUCTIONS --
    If you have an older version of PumaStudio, DELETE IT, everything about it.
    Just move all the contents of the zip file to your game root directory, that's it, installed.

    M  = Opens menu
    Inside the menu you can see and edit all the
    other controls in the settings option.
    (They work, but not perfectly)
    - ENB / DIRECTX -
    - SAMP -

    PASSWORD = 123

    Old Versions:
    Ocornut - ImGui
    Aqua - Beta Testing
    All Plugin-SDK Contributors

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