Yay, some FR Legends tracks for gta sa, something that people have been requesting me a lot for a very long time and here it is :D
To be honest, I tough it would be a kinda simple task to do, but it wasn't so simple to convert them, i obviously used assetstudio to rip the models from the game, but for some reason some models in the export have their scales completely modified(?), like the trees in usair i had to replace all of them manually and some other objects.
Not only that but i also had to make a retopolgy in almost of the entirety of the usair map, seriously the mesh is absurdly low-poly it was impossible to do a decent prelight with what was there initially and i did some quick fixes in the maps also, like closing some holes some uv mapping issues etc...
And i've also added some spotlights in the maps for a night drive :D because any of them have them xD (except for usair that have a little)
-- Original models from: FR Legends --
-- Convert - Rip - Edit by: ZZPuma -- At the moment i have only converted 3 tracks, i don't know if i will convert more maps in the future, but here it is: Kansai - USAIR - EBM Circuit
For all tracks you will need:
--- REQUIRED ---
- Modloader -
- OpenLimitAdjuster -
And of course, every track has it's own teleport code to go to the track, just take a look at the readme file to know it.
-- KANSAI --
-- USAIR --
And the video map presentation, did a more smooth edit in this one using some cool dnb
in case you didn't read, lol:
--- REQUIRED ---
- Modloader -
- OpenLimitAdjuster -