

Hey guys, another camera script, now it's just one more to my complete my ZZPuma Camera Collection!
This one is for you to make smooth FOV transitions, and also for car scenes with an automated FOV that puts zoom when your car is far away from the camera and removes zoom when you are close, that thing puts a really cool effect at the camera.

--- COMMANDS ---

LKU   =  Show menu
LKA   =  Adaptive Mode
XCA   =  Fixate Camera

X + T = Shot1 - FOV     X + G = Shot2 - FOV
X + Y = Shot1 + FOV    X + H = Shot2 + FOV

X + B = Hold  - FOV
X + N = Hold  + FOV

X + R = Reset Fov

- Menu Commands -
X + ↑↓   =  Go up/down
X + ←→   =  Modify option
Holding " SHIFT " and ←→ will reduce the amount of value you are adding or subtracting from determined option.

I highly recommend you to use LookerCam instead of the " XCA " command to fixate your camera, it has a lot more freedom to move your fixated camera:

You can also use Simple Free Cam to help you fixate your camera in air

--- TUTORIAL ---
And again to have a better understanding of the mod, please, watch the video:

As i said in the video, i made a very simple script to hide your hud, just type " * ", and your hud will disappear, don't worry, you can change that key in the ini file in case you don't have a numpad
As you also saw in the video, in the vannila game you have car distance view sometimes can be low depending on your scene, to fix that you can use some mods like Project2DFX or MixSets 

I didn't said in the video because i forgot xD, but you can perfectly play your game with the adaptive mode always on, it actually gives a really cool effect in the playthrough, especially when you are driving, give it a try!

Move " FoverKit " folder into your modloader folder, just that.

--- REQUIRED ---

- Cleo4.4 - 
- Cleo+ -
- Modloader -


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